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Re: [atlarge-discuss] WE HAD A DREAM, WE HAVE A PROBLEM

At 08:38 p.m. 25/02/2003, Vittorio Bertola wrote:

What you [Jefsey] asked me is to refill the panel with substitutes from the
last vote so that we can delay elections and you can continue to
govern the organization. This is something I personally don't agree
with, because when 8 members over 11 of the original panel have
resigned, there is no true legitimacy any more for the panel.
I agree with that. But why are you not consistent and admit that the remainder of the old Panel has no more true legitimacy either?
You and Jefsey have not resigned, but all you can now do is make suggestions, as respected elected members, not decisions.

Allow the membership to be Polled on the key questions that must precede an election and let the sovereign membership (the ones who bother to vote) make the decisions.

replacement mechanism is designed to fill a few vacancies, not to
leave the organization in the hand of a governing panel completely
different from the one elected by the members.
I fully agree.

Anyway, since I do not
decide alone, I called a vote among the remainder of the panel and
even you voted in favour of new elections.
Calling for a vote was unnecessary and might wrongly give the impression that a majority of 2 among 3 voting panel members might have legitimately voted *against* holding fresh elections.

So what are you complaining about?
I think Jefsey complains that you changed your mind, after first promising him the members' email addresses.
Jefsey is quite candid when he wrote under the header URGENT TO PANEL:

I do not really understand what you are trying. Either you are in or not. Your lack of response is used by Joop we all know well how /why. He takes advantage that we cannot do anything with you retaining the users list and site access. Why?
I therefore formally ask you again to release the Site Password to Bruce and me and the access to the list of our Members.
I (we, Bruce?) will find a way to make the Members vote.
I suffered it two years at IDNO. I am tired of Joop's dictature. This time ICANN has nothing to do: yours is the only responsibility in not sharing with your fellow Panelist what they are entitled to know.
If we have not that acess, password and list ASAP I will inform the members that you decided to kill this actions and to block elections.

>So everyone knows that Vittorio is the only one
>who owns the http://icannatlarge.org password
>and the list of our Members. And that he does not
>want to share it with the other Panel Members,
>but says he looks for someone he could discuss
>how to organize elections with.

I will share the membership list with whoever is designed to run the
next elections. I will also share the membership list with whoever the
panel decides to give the right to have it. If you want, call for a
motion and let's vote it. By the way, if I'm not wrong, Bret Fausett
still has the passwords (and perhaps other people too). I didn't
change them so that I am not the only one that has them.

For Joop: I am sticking to our governing panel in the present
situation because it was elected by the membership - you were not.
You are right that I was not elected. I did not run, because I was controlling the web site.
You are not right that there is now a "governing Panel" .

I did not resign yet because I fear that this will leave the
organization without leadership and bring it to destruction, but
honestly I don't see much value in my presence any more.
You are still the webmaster of icannatlarge.org, Vittorio.

 Perhaps we
should simply let members decide whether they want to follow you or
Joop, which is what elections are for. What's wrong with this?
Am I not disqualified from running as a candidate, if I will have anything to do with running the election?

So is there any agreement on this list about how we should proceed?
Difficult to determine and anyway, this list cannot speak for the members.

yes, I think we should go with it, and I also think that in hard times
giving the word to the members is the right thing to do. But it seems
that there is total disagreement between you two (Joop and JFC).
You are right about that. Disagreement about the immediate road forward and the methods to be used to organize the At Large.

I believe that nothing about our structure can be considered "fixed" until the membership has made its choices.
I hope we will know those choices by next week, after the Poll.

>This way everyone will understand the problem
>we face and why I want the Panel to incorporate
>ASAP, as the webmaster and listmaster of this
>effort. So Members can act to get the password
>from the ASP.

So you are doing the same thing as Joop did - trying to get the
membership list for a personal effort that you completely control.
Very nice.
A personal effort is an effort that a person controls. By definition.
The important thing is to determine *what that effort is* and if it leads somewhere where the effort becomes a common effort and is no longer personal.


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