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RE: [atlarge-discuss] Bruce' s list

At 10:36 p.m. 13/05/2003, you wrote:
If I could find this list, I would be a lot wiser.

Information about Nominators and seconds is missing here and the list has not been updated for a week.

I have been asking whether my nomination was seconded for some time, and
have been reading that such was the case.
That's called hearsay.
The voters need to be able to check from the archives.

In accordance with some rules that the seconding need not be public
(weird but for now I can live with it) the who and why was not
Non-public (secret) Nominations or seconds are not democratic.

If it comes to publicly seconded nominees, then there are far less then
this "list" suggests, since those endorsements should then be posted to
this list by the person seconding the nominee. Though paying reasonable
close attention I have seen very very few, if any.

If seconding in the polling booth on Joop's site by anonymous people is
counted as seconding then I do not see why the anon seconding from the
panel should be treated differently.
The Polling Booth exercise was announced as pre-nomination intended to increase participation in the Nomination process. Since the resulting list does not mention Nominators/seconders individually, only in aggregate, they are strictly speaking not valid Nominations and they should be validated by Public Seconding.

Jefsey ought to extend the time for this to happen if he wants to restore the credibility of the process.

I do repeat however that in the case I am not seconded I will definitely
not be a candidate, despite my earlier acceptance under the impression
of being seconded.
You can be excused for accepting because of the phrasing of Jefsey's mail to you.

Dual nomination is seconding as well was stated, in which case I will
disregard the seconding by Claude Thiellet, since it is not clear that
he is "his own man" or imaginary (strange that this all of a sudden
becomes an issue)
It becomes an issue because Jefsey and his "polling committee" neglected to close the voters' list at the time of the election announcement.
If you look at the members list on www.icannatlarge.org, there has been a recent influx of spurious ("Ali Bali") and double entries, who may receive double ballots.


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