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Re: [atlarge-discuss] My Candidacy Information

Thank you for your opinion.

> You are a phony.
> Anyone even considering voting for you needs to have his criminal record
>  checked, or have his head examined.
> --Sotiris Sotiropoulos
>> My participation in this organization has been limited by the fact
>> that I don't want to sort through 200 messages a day of crap in an
>> e-mail box, I was more active when there was still a valid web-forum
>> that people used. I have been following the activity of this
>> organization closely.
>> My activity list is a mere listing for my own use (resumes, keeping up
>> with dates, etc), I ported it to a web document without filtering it
>> to be specific to this organization. The list is not of my
>> accomplishments, just things I have done.
>> If I am elected I have no intention of quitting, I intend to be an
>> active participant in the panel and in the rest of the organization. I
>> have never done anything just to add it to the list. I usually don't
>> add things to the list until several weeks after I do it, sometimes
>> longer (my
>> certifications are listed as confirmation is received though). If the
>> membership has a problem with my activities list I will gladly remove
>> it. I have it there only so the membership can see the type of things
>> I have done in the past.
>> If you have any other problems or questions about my candidacy, let me
>> know.
>>> Well, he has got the bonafides.  Trouble is, his participation in
>>> this organization is almost nill.  Maybe, Curtis, you just think this
>>> is a good opportunity to add another accomplishment to your list?
>>> Accept candidacy, get elected, then quit.  Add to list.
>>> Regards,
>>> Micheal Sherrill
>>> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
>>> From: "Curtis M. Kularski" <icann@kularski.org>
>>> Reply-To: atlarge@curtis.kularski.us
>>> Date:  Fri, 23 May 2003 20:22:19 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
>>> My many attempts to communicate my information seem to have been
>>> unsuccessful, it is below.
>>> Supporting Freedom of Internet Communication
>>> Curtis M Kularski (North America -United States) :
>>> http://curtis.kularski.us/atlarge.htm
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