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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Some points of view - Limits and common sense

Ron Sherwood wrote:

Dear Mauro:

I, for one am delighted to read your posts. There are other persons on this
list who's native tongue is not English (Sotiris [Greek]
Actually, my native tongue is English! But... ich spreche ein bischen Deutsche auch! Greek is not my native tongue, but I speak and write it btter than Mauro speaks and writes English, let me assure you.

and Jeff Williams
[Texan], for example) and who will have greater difficulty with your words
than I do. However, since I have no other language than English and I am in
awe of anyone who is courageous enough to attempt to communicate in my
tongue, I will certainly welcome your input.
His input is welcome, but it's his ability t adequately function as a panelist when his English is so poor that concerns me and ought to concern any reasonable individual.

If I have any doubts about
your intent, I will ask you to re-phrase.

Please don't let those among us who suffer from the belief that anyone
without their proficiency in a specific language should be excluded from
participating. We really do need the diverse representation. I don't

expect you to be writing our by-laws
But you expect him to interact with a panel that he cannot effectively communicate with?

(unless we choose to incorporate in a
country where you are fluent in the language and can provide suitable
translation services), but I welcome your perspective of the global issues
that we need to address and your willingness to work in a language that does
not come easily to you.  I trust your English will improve rapidly as a part
of this effort.

Oh, so now we have become an English school...

--Sotiris Sotiropoulos

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