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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Contention

Ron and all fellow members,

Ron Sherwood wrote:

>    In Response to Richard's question, Joop wrote:
> >Joop, are you willing to set out a series of questions, in the week
> >following this election, so the membership can endorse this election,
> or
> >re-define panel size, or define roles and mandates and objectives
> (whatever
> >the membership itself wishes)?
> "The April Poll tried to do that and it was attacked and ignored
> because it
> was not "official".
> To be of use, the Poll and the questions need to be uncontested."

 Exactly right here.  The problem arises as to how, whom and under
what legal or authorized authority do Poll questions that are
"Official" become so?

> Surely the April Poll was a love fest compared to the attacks on the
> election that Jefsey is currently running for us.

 Jefsey is not running any legitimate election for the members
of ICANNATLARGE.ORG. He may be running an election for
EXECLUB.ORG.  But these are not one in the same.  Until
or unless EXECLUB.ORG is recognized by the vote of the members
of ICANNATLARGE.ORG it has no standing legally, ethically, or
even remotely reasonably with ICANNATLARGE.ORG and the members
there of.

> Why Joop and Sotiris would consider this election "official" enough to
> run as candidates, yet so viciously attack every aspect of it in an
> obvious attempt to render it useless, speaks only of self interest.

  Perhaps so.  Perhaps there are other motivations for their reluctant
participation and supposed candidates.   I certainly believe that in
case that there very well may be.  As for Joop's participation, I cannot

gander a good guess.

>  Once again, stop the destructive criticism and let the election run
> its course. Tainted as it is with the awful, self-serving negative
> propaganda by a couple of the candidates, it is still the best chance
> that we have of bringing together a new Panel.

 It will not achieve what you seem to believe it will at this juncture.
It never
has had a chance of doing so sense Judyth betrayed every member here
and Eric jeopardized all of us.

> Richard is right, when he says let the results be know before we
> question them.  Then let the membership decide what to make of the
> results. These constant attempts at sabotage the election will achieve
> nothing, but they will perpetuate an environment in which a few shrill
> voices will negate the will of the many and drive them to saner
> representation.

  If demanding strong ethics and honesty is "Shrill" or wrong in some
sort of way, count me in as your attempt to slur the actual facts and
call me "Shrill" by your definition.  I for one find such a declaration
as less than worthy of good common sense.

> Sotiris, don't waste your time with a response that repeats your
> selfish demands, for instant and unreasonable action by other
> volunteers to comply with your insatiable appetite for "PROOF" of
> everything under the sun. We have heard it all before.  We know it is
> nothing but propaganda, and you should rise above that level so that
> those who will work with you and Joop on the new Panel can regain a
> modicum of respect for you.  If, when the results are known, you think
> you were illegally elected, you and your fellow Panelists, can undo
> the wrong and make corrections.  Until then either stay cool or resign
> and leave other good people to form a leadership team.
> Regards, Ron Sherwood


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