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RE: [atlarge-discuss] LET'S GET GOING: Determining a Chair for thePanel

> 7. we should use icannatlarge.org in everything we do (website,
> mailing list, ftp, etc.) unless there is a valid reason not to.
> gilbert

Hello Gilbert,
Icannatlarge.org will never have a registered trademark, (becuase "ICANN" is
already registered). And it also means that ICANN itself can shut down the
organization at any time they choose by sending a "cease and desist using
our name" letter. Do you also realize that Panelists can be held personally
liable for breach of ICANN's copyright? And if you start to fundraise for an
organization called ICANNatanything, don't you think ICANN could claim you
are raising funds in their name?


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