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RE: [atlarge-discuss] Move to suspend Jeff Williams membership

This is a general response to the subject of banning Jeff:

First, I must say that I agree that some action had to be taken.  Fradulent
posts, particularly ones that talk to the core mission of this
organization*, cannot be allowed to stand unchallenged.  I know that the
Panel has spoken, and I am standing by their decision, despite reservations,
all of which have been expressed at length here in the past.

However, in the absense of bylaws to back up such a critical decision, I
would ask that the Panel strongly consider making Jeff's expulsion
temporary, pending approval by the membership of rules supporting the
decision, i.e.: let's not ask them to vote on "should Jeff Williams be
expelled."  Rather, let's vote on "The following offenses are grounds for
expulsion from ICANNATLARGE.ORG:", and delineate what those offenses are,
and give the membership a chance to vote on them!

BTW, this is how I see us getting our bylaws written: instead of trying to
write a complete document at once, let's zero in on one or two pertinent and
timely subjects, discuss the heck out of them, have the Panel develop and
approve by vote a draft policy based on said discussion, then get the
membership's vote on it.  As I've said before, I envision quarterly
membership votes, at least until we get passed our organizing challenges!

( *Internet governance, for those who may have forgotten amidst all the
infighting!  :)  )

Folk's it's a half hour past my bed time, and I started with 700-odd unread
messages about six hours ago!  I am up to July 17th, and down to 91 unread
messages left, but it's time to crash before the forehead hits the keyboard!

Bruce Young
Portland, Oregon USA
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