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STOCK ALERT! SPHC 58 cents FDA for (HIV/AIDS indication)

(OTCBB:SPHC) FDA Phase Ib/IIa for Anticort(TM) (an HIV/AIDS indication)


(OTCBB:SPHC) FDA Phase Ib/IIa for Anticort(TM) (an HIV/AIDS indication)
58 cents per share

Samaritan Pharmaceuticals
BUY AT $ 0.58
SELL TARGET $2.50- $2.75

Samaritan Pharmaceuticals

SPECIAL ALERT (OTCBB:SPHC) announced that its FDA Phase Ib/IIa safety
and efficacy clinical trials under its IND for Anticort(TM) (an HIV/AIDS indication)
at the Aids Research Alliance located in Los Angeles, CA, are expected
to be completed at the end of March or early April.
The Company expects it will take approximately three months to compile
and analyze the data from this study and another month or so to ready
the data for submission to the FDA. In anticipation of this process, the
Company has decided to finalize all payments to the Aids Research
Alliance, thereby fulfilling all of its financial responsibility for the Phase
lb/lla clinical trial.

for more details: http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/010207/nv_samarit_2.html

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