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[FYI] NGO letter to Verhofstadt on Privacy
- To: debate@lists.fitug.de
- Subject: [FYI] NGO letter to Verhofstadt on Privacy
- From: Peter Kuhm <peter.kuhm@plus.at>
- Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 14:06:51 +0100
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Als Reaktion auf George W. Bush's Aufforderung, die EU solle doch
den ISPs die verpflichtende Aufbewahrung der Logfiles vorschreiben,
haben EPIC, ACLU, CDT und EFF diesen Brief vorbereitet. VIBE!AT
hat ihn u.a. genauso mitunterzeichnet wie die geographisch naeheren
Kollegen von Quintessenz, CCC und SIUG.
12 November 2001
Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt
President, EU Council of Ministers
Rue de la Loi 16, 1000 BRUXELLES
Dear President Verhofstadt:
We write to you on behalf of a wide range of civic organizations in
the United States and Europe to express our concern regarding the
request of President Bush that the proposed EU directive on the
protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector
(COM(2000)385) be altered to allow for data retention regarding the
communications of Europeans and consequently of Americans. While we
support the President's efforts to take appropriate steps to reduce
the risk of terrorism and to work with government leaders to protect
public safety, we do not believe that this proposal is appropriate
or necessary.
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