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Fw: Berlusconi kann jetzt Parlement auflösen,Minister benennen und entlassen
Berlusconi seeks to expand his powers
By Bruce Johnston in Rome
(Filed: 17/09/2003)
Silvio Berlusconi's ruling coalition yesterday approved a package of
constitutional reforms that will increase the prime minister's powers.
The changes proposed by the cabinet would enable the premier to
dissolve parliament, a power presently held by Italy's president, and
appoint or sack ministers.
Other reforms include changing the senate from a nationally-elected
house into a federal body representing Italy's newly strengthened
regions; reducing the number of MPs by a third; and reforming the
Constitutional Court to take account of regional devolution.
While the bill falls short of introducing direct elections for the
prime minister, as Mr Berlusconi had wanted, party prime ministerial
candidates will be mentioned on all ballot papers.
Italy's electoral system will remain a combination of
first-past-the-post constituencies and a limited number of proportional
representation seats. However, coalition parties will be barred from
leaving the government between elections.
The intention is to prevent a minor ruling party being able to trigger
a change of government by switching sides, as happened in 1994, when Mr
Berlusconi's first Centre-Right coalition fell after seven months in
The government said the bill, which must be passed twice in both houses
of parliament with a two-thirds majority to become law, was intended to
bring stability to Italy's institutions.
Mr Berlusconi's coalition has a majority in both houses but will need
to win over some opponents to secure a two-thirds vote.
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