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Re: [FYI] Binäres XML -
On Sat, 20 Sep 2003, Dietz Proepper wrote:
> You:
> > Davon abgesehen verstehe ich gar nicht so recht, was die Binaerform gross
> > am Speicherbedarf am Parsen aendert. Parsen muss ich sowieso, und das
> Am Speicherbedarf wenig. Es macht aber einen Unterschied, ob ich, um ein
> Dokument zu parsen pro Node mehrere Stringoperationen durzuführen habe oder
> ob sich diese auf numerische Vergleiche reduzieren lassen.
Moeglicherweise dann, wenn es halt um viele Operationen geht:
--- Snipp ---
The ozone/XML project uses "binary XML" to transfer XML from the
clients to the database server and back through a socket connection.
It is based on some work of Stefano Mazzocchi from Apache/Cocoon.
He called it 'XML compiler' and it compiles/compresses SAX events.
This approach is definitly faster than sending text-based XML through
the connection and reparse it on the other side, especially when
you've got many request with small amounts of XML to be transfered,
since the XML parser overhead is to much in this case.
--- Snapp ---
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