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[listuser@numbnuts.net: Another DNS blacklist is taken down]
Wie man inzwischen erkennen kann, handelt es sich um einen
organisierten Angriff auf die Spamschutz-Infrastruktur, die sich
im Netz entwickelt hat und nicht um isolierte Ereignisse. Dies
sind kriminelle, terroristische Aktivitäten, die man gar nicht
ernst genug nehmen kann.
----- Forwarded message from Justin Shore <listuser@numbnuts.net> -----
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 11:28:39 -0500 (CDT)
From: Justin Shore <listuser@numbnuts.net>
To: nanog@merit.edu
Subject: Another DNS blacklist is taken down
I thought ya'll might be interested to hear that yet another DNS blacklist
has been taken down out of fear of the DDoS attacks that took down
Osirusoft, Monkeys.com, and the OpenRBL. Blackholes.compu.net suffered a
joe-job earlier this week. Apparently the joe-jobbing was enough to
convince some extremely ignorant mail admins that Compu.net is spamming
and blocked mail from compu.net. Compu.net has also seen the effects of
DDoS attacks on other DNS blacklist maintainers. They've decided that the
risk to their actual business is too great and they are pulling the plug
on their DNS blacklist before they come under the gun by spammers.
Ron Guilmette, maintainer of the Monkeys.com blacklists has posted a
farewell from Monkeys.com to news.admin.net-abuse.email. Ron cites the
total lack of interest in the attacks by both big network providers and
law enforcement authorities as the ultimate reason he's pulling the plug.
It's truely a sad day for spam fighters everywhere.
So, my question for NANOG is how does one go about attracting the
attention of law enforcement when your network is under attack? How does
the target of such an attack get a large network provider who's customers
are part of the attack to pay attention? Is media attention the only way
to pressure a response from either group? These DDoS attacks have
received some attention in mainstream media:
Apparently it hasn't been enough. Legal remedies take too long and are
cost prohibitive (unless you're the DoJ). Subpoenas and civil lawsuits
take months if not years. Relief is needed in days if not hours.
----- End forwarded message -----
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