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Re: Fwd: Europe to resist U.S. cryptography policy

At 00:41 20.09.97 +0200, Gunnar Anzinger wrote:
>==================BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE==================
>Ulrich Sandl, responsible for cryptography policy at the German Ministry of
>Economics, said last week that the operation of trusted third party systems
>may be illegal in Germany or Europe as a whole. "There is a real prospect
>that [products based on] the U.S. policy is a violation of our privacy
>laws, with severe consequences," he told a conference of European
>officials, cryptographers and industry executives in Brussels.
>This combination of legal and technological factors, said an EC official,
>will lead the EC to "not endorse" key recovery in a report to be
>distributed at a Council of Commissioners meeting on 1 October by
>commissioners Martin Bangemann and Mario Monti, the heads of directorate
>general XIII for telecoms matters and DG XV for internal market and data
>protection respectively.

Diese Idee stammt, wie mein Bericht zur Konferenz ergibt, zuerst von 
Frau Sottong-Micas von der DG XV. Sandl hat sich dem angeschlossen, 
ohne es weiter auszuführen. Sandls Kernaussage war sehr viel vorsichtiger:
Die Bundesregierung wolle nicht irgendetwas machen, bevor nicht alle 
Alternativen geprüft seien. Auf meine Frage bejahte er, dass dabei auch an 
einen "Lauschangriff" auf den Computer gedacht werde.


Assessor Rigo Wenning 
Mitarbeiter am Insitut fuer Rechtsinformatik von Prof. Dr. Maximilian
wenning2@rz.uni-sb.de			http://www.uni-sb.de/~wenning/