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Re: Mosdorf Briefing

> Am 13. (Terminänderung! Es wird ein Arbeitsessen) wird er mit Herrn Mosdorf
> zusammentreffen. Seiner Sekretärin habe ich bereits die Brisanz der Lage
> klargemacht und wir haben die Chance, ein Briefing-FAX zu schicken. Ich
> mache es fertig und kümmere mich drum, jedoch bitte ich um passende Hinweise
> aller Art.

Daß die USA mit ihrer Cryptopolitik selbst nicht glücklich sind,
ist dem Herrn Mosdorf vielleicht noch nicht bekannt?


Pikant daran ist, daß gerade eine deutsche Firma und die deutsche
Cryptoexportpolitik als Beispiel für das Versagen der bisherigen
Linie zitiert wird:

     ... one particularly serious risk is that
   non-U.S. companies will use their ability to export stronger
   encryption as "leverage" to dominate particular applications.
   This has happened in at least one field - Internet banking - and may
   occur in other areas of electronic commerce. Brokat, a German company
   that scarcely existed four years ago, now has 250 employees and
   offices in several countries including the United States. Brokat's
   specialty is Internet banking and electronic commerce, but it broke
   into that business on the strength of being able to offer stronger
   encryption than German banks could obtain in Netscape or Microsoft
   browsers. It is now a major player in this niche, with 50% of the
   European Internet banking market and enough U.S. customers to justify
   a 20-person U.S. branch office. Meanwhile, encryption constitutes 10%
   or less of Brokat's revenue, and it has expanded its initial Internet
   banking offerings to include support for other forms of electronic
   commerce. Loss of U.S. competitiveness in the electronic commerce
   software market obviously raises concerns not just about encryption
   software but other software opportunities. Indeed, it foreshadows a
   weakening of the U.S. position as a leader in electronic commerce

What if the point was reincarnation?