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[lojban] Universal Networking Language (fwd)

Die Lojban-Gemeinde ist auch auf UNL aufmerksam geworden.  John Cowan ist
der Autor des Lojban-Referenzparsers, der eine aehnliche Funktion wie ein
SGML-Referenzparser erfuellt:  Bestimmung der hinter allerlei
Elisionsregeln versteckten Syntagmenhierarchie und Abbruch mit
Fehlermeldung wo dies nicht gelingt.

Lojban ist ein quelloffenes Projekt, das eben wegen seiner Offenheit das
proprietaere Loglan hinter sich gelassen hat.  Cowan entwickelt auf Linux. 

Ein Vorteil von Lojban gegenueber UNL ist, dass immerhin ein paar Dutzend
Gurus bereits *in* dieser Sprache kommuniziert und in Lojban ueber die
Verbesserung von Lojban nachdenkt.   

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 13:32:04 -0500
From: John Cowan <cowan@locke.ccil.org>
To: Lojban List <lojban@onelist.com>
Subject: [lojban] Universal Networking Language

From: John Cowan <cowan@locke.ccil.org>

The Web site is http://www.unl.ias.unu.edu .  The "UNL page" is a dummy,
so stick to the "English page".

Here is the nearest thing to a detailed description available to
the public (looks like a translation from the Japanese):

# UNL represents information expressed in sentence as a set of relations 
# between meanings expressed by words.  Vocabulary of UNL consists of;
#	- UW (Universal Word), that represents a word meaning
#	- Relation label, that represents a relationship between UWs
#	- Attribute label, that expresses further definition or
#	additional information of UW which appears in sentence.

# A UW represents meanings a word express by an English word which can
# express those meanings with a suffix of possible relationship with
# other words which denote the specific meaning.

# UW is a word that makes up UNL, and is set so as to denote a specific
# meaning. Word in English is applied as label to identify UW. A UW
# which is simply labeled with a word is regarded as to denote the whole 
# meaning that the original English word can convey. In order to express
# more specific meaning, a method is introduced to limit the range of
# meaning that can be denoted by UW. UW's meaning can be limited in the
# description of distinctive relationship with other UW that can hold
# only with this specific meaning of UW.

Further details are available only to members of the UNL organization.
Sounds pretty crude and primitive compared to Lojban.

http://www.unl.ias.unu.edu/eng/brochure/b7.html gives contact info.

John Cowan	http://www.ccil.org/~cowan		cowan@ccil.org
	You tollerday donsk?  N.  You tolkatiff scowegian?  Nn.
	You spigotty anglease?  Nnn.  You phonio saxo?  Nnnn.
		Clear all so!  'Tis a Jute.... (Finnegans Wake 16.5)