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[FYI] (Fwd) UK ISPs to offer access monitoring software for chil
- To: debate@fitug.de
- Subject: [FYI] (Fwd) UK ISPs to offer access monitoring software for chil
- From: "Axel H. Horns" <axel.horns@fitug.de>
- Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 20:18:55 +0100
- Comment: This message comes from the debate mailing list.
- Organization: FITUG e.V.
- Priority: normal
- Reply-to: axel.horns@fitug.de
- Sender: owner-debate@fitug.de
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Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 18:06:06 GMT0BST
From: "Yaman Akdeniz" <lawya@lucs-01.novell.leeds.ac.uk>
Subject: UK ISPs to offer access monitoring software for children
To: gilc-plan@privacy.org
Reply-to: gilc-plan@gilc.org
10 December, 1998
Internet service providers are to
give away monitoring software to
their subscribers to help keep an
eye on where their children surf.
The free software, called UC2Lite
and developed by Netsiren, does not
block certain web sites like other
software, but simply monitors usage
and lets parents decide what to say
to their children.
Demon, home and UUNet are all
offering links and downloads of the
software that also logs e-mail
messages that have been received and
Managing director of Netsiren, Pete
Jones, said: "The Internet has
tremendous value for children.
"It can be a fantastic learning tool
and source of fun, but it does need
to be managed.
"We are happy to work closely with
ISPs who feel as strongly about this
issue as we do - whether they would
like to provide a hot link on their
site or post a customised version
for their customers to download."
Yaman Akdeniz <lawya@leeds.ac.uk>
Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) at: http://www.cyber-rights.org
Read the new CR&CL (UK) Report, Who Watches the Watchmen, Part:II
Accountability & Effective Self-Regulation in the Information Age,
August 1998 at http://www.cyber-rights.org/watchmen-ii.htm