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[FYI] Virtuality in Education
- To: debate@fitug.de
- Subject: [FYI] Virtuality in Education
- From: "Axel H. Horns" <axel.horns@fitug.de>
- Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 18:12:53 +0100
- Comment: This message comes from the debate mailing list.
- Organization: FITUG e.V.
- Priority: normal
- Reply-to: axel.horns@fitug.de
- Sender: owner-debate@fitug.de
CORDIS RTD-NEWS/c European Communities, 1998
Record Control Number : 11809
Date : 1998-12-15
Category : Event
General Information :
A conference on "Virtuality in Education" will take place in London on
March 28 to 31 1999. The objective of the conference is to examine the
implications of emerging notions of virtuality for education. The
conference, subtitled "CAL99", is intended to provide a forum to
discuss the questions educators need to debate for the future in which
virtuality could be commonplace.
Key topics of discussion will include:
- Learning in virtual environments;
- Theories of learning and virtuality;
- The changing role of the learner;
- New forms of educational software;
- Identity in virtual educational environments;
- Teaching in virtual environments;
- Education without walls.
The event targets one of the themes of interest of the European
Commission's Information Society Project Office and is being organised
by Elsevier Science.
Data Source Provider : Elsevier Science
Document Reference : URL: http://www.elsevier.nl/homepage/sag/cal99/
and URL:
Subject Index Codes : Education, Training; Information Processing,
Information Systems
Contact Person :
For further information, please contact:
CAL99 Conference Secretariat
Phillipa Orme
12 Church Street
West Hanney
Oxon OX12 0LN, UK
Tel. +44-0-1235868811; Fax +44-0-1235868811
E-mail: p.orme@dial.pipex.com
URL: http://www.elsevier.nl/homepage/sag/cal99/