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[FYI] ACTS Guidelines proposed
- To: debate@fitug.de
- Subject: [FYI] ACTS Guidelines proposed
- From: "Axel H. Horns" <axel.horns@fitug.de>
- Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 18:12:53 +0100
- Comment: This message comes from the debate mailing list.
- Organization: FITUG e.V.
- Priority: normal
- Reply-to: axel.horns@fitug.de
- Sender: owner-debate@fitug.de
CORDIS RTD-NEWS/c European Communities, 1998
Record Control Number : 11790
Date : 1998-12-14
Category : Programme implementation
General Information :
The index of proposed ACTS guidelines has recently been published on
the ACTSLINE Web site. The guidelines aim at developing consensus for
a strategic approach by players in communication technologies involved
in the introduction or early use of advanced communication services.
ACTS (Advanced Communications Technologies and Services) is the focus
of the EU's research effort in advanced communications. It forms part
of the European Commission's Fourth Framework Programme for research
and technological development.
Leading edge users, service providers, network operations,
broadcasters, manufacturers, research and educational institutions and
consultants pool their knowledge and resources in pursuit of specific
research and trial objectives defined by the ACTS workplan.
Within the programme, clusters of projects known as 'chains' study
specific issues which have strategic importance outside of the ACTS
Programme itself. These include interoperability issues that cut
across domain boundaries. The chains are organised into five chain
- Broadband access networks, economics and evolution;
- Network level inter-operability and management;
- Global service integration (end to end multimedia services);
- Generic access to applications (the users perspective);
- CATV Guidelines.
A key function of these chains is to develop and publish strategic
guidelines. Approximately 70 guidelines are under development and
around 45 of these have been published in draft form by the
As of October 1998 the ACTSLINE Web site includes the latest versions
of Tranche 1 and 2 Guidelines as endorsed by the ACTS Concertation
Steering Committee.
Remarks :
A short summary of the ACTS guidelines can be found on the ACTSLINE
URL: http://www.infowin.org/ACTS/ANALYSYS/CONCERTATION/glindex.htm
Data Source Provider : European Commission, DG XIII
Document Reference : Based on the ACTSLINE website: URL:
Programme Acronym : FRAMEWORK 4C; ACTS
Subject Index Codes : Telecommunications; Information Processing,
Information Systems
Contact Person :
For further information, please contact:
European Commission, DG XIII/B
BU-9 4/82, Rue de la Loi, 200
B-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 296 3415
Fax: +32 2 295 0654
Email: aco@bxl.dg13.cec.be