- To: news@lists.ccc.de
- Subject: [sandy.harris@sympatico.ca: [Fwd: Update on PGP-export restrictions from Denmark]]
- From: Andreas Bogk <ich@andreas.org>
- Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 14:30:54 +0100
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Offensichtlich schaffen es die Daenen, doch noch Wassenaar zu kippen.
Was sagen unsere Herren Pressesprecher? Schaffen wir es vielleicht noch,
das hier auch zu thematisieren?
Gruss Andreas
----- Forwarded message from Sandy Harris <sandy.harris@sympatico.ca> -----
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Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 13:45:39 -0500
From: Sandy Harris <sandy.harris@sympatico.ca>
Organization: Crash Test Dummies on the Information Highway
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To: cryptography@c2.net
Subject: [Fwd: Update on PGP-export restrictions from Denmark]
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Update on PGP-export restrictions from Denmark
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 15:41:17 +0100
From: "boo@datashopper.dk" <boo@Datashopper.Dk>
Reply-To: "boo@datashopper.dk" <boo@Datashopper.Dk>
To: dc-stuff@dis.org
This is an update on the progress of crypto-restrictions in Denmark.
These rules will probably apply to the entire EU.
On december 3. 33 countries signed the Wassenaar arrangement on an
official level. The danish participant in the meeting, a civil servant
from our minister of commerce, signed the arrangement on what he must
have belived was behalf of the danish government. BUT! He _didn't_ have
proper parliamentary background for signing the arrangement, which is -
as a matter of fact - in direct contradiction to the official danish
The matter has been raised politically in Denmark by one member of
parliament, Kim Behnke, which I contacted on the issue. He now demands
an explanation from our minister of science.
Lets go back to the unlucky civil servant and his signature for a
moment. After signing the agreement, a consensus was obtained. Therefore
the signed arrangement would normally be sent to the EU Commission to be
dealt with on an administratively level, as with all other changes to
the original Wassenaar Arrangement. (There have been several changes
over the years).
But since the danish signing of the agreement happened _without_
parliamentary or governmental consent, the danish government may well be
forced by our parliament to demand, that the signed agreement will have
to be debated in the EU Council of Ministers - where the danish
government will have to revoke the signing.
If the signing is revoked by the danish government, the changes to the
Wassenaar-arrangement can't be invoked by neither the commission, nor
the EU Council. So, if the danish government revokes the signing, the
arrangement falls in the entire EU domain, and the individual nations
will have to uplift the arrangement to law on a national level. Which,
in term, may be very difficult, because if they do that, it will be
constituted as a technical trade hinderance and thus illegal by EU laws.
The case is exploding at the moment on a political level here in
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$/=unpack('H*',$_);$_=`echo 16dio\U$k"SK$/SM$n\EsN0p[lN*1
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"Java requires the programmer to declare types and exceptions, simply to
make the compiler's job easy. Which just seems like the wrong approach
to me: CPU-cycles we have plenty of, good programmer cycles we don't."
-- P T Withington <ptw@callitrope.com> in comp.lang.dylan