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[ICANN-EU] Don't waste your endorsement vote

On my ICANN campaign webpage, http://www.abunde.net/, I have posted the
following statement:

"It seems the right moment now (September 2) to advise those who endorsed
me, as well as those who are thinking of doing so, to give their support
to another candidate, who has more chance of "winning". Therefore I
strongly advise anyone now to endorse (and later vote) for

	Jeanette Hofmann

Of those that are still in the race, she is by far the best choice, I
think. Thank you fore your time and interest. Thank you for your support!"

I am *not* withdrawing from the member nomination process.
Marc Schneiders ------- Venster - http://www.venster.nl 
 marc@venster.nl - marc@bijt.net - marc@schneiders.org