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Re: [ICANN-EU] Re: [icann-candidates] Don't waste your endorsementvote

On 5 Sep 2000, Lutz Donnerhacke wrote:

> >Right now, the "open" TLDs are all in the capable hands of a unique
> >company. The introduction of (a limited number of) new TLDs will provide
> >alternatives.
> Currently there are several registrars for the same TLDs. So a fair
> competition does not require new TLDs.

Dozens in fact. But they all pay $6 to NSI for each domain. And they sell
starting at $6.95 or even lower during a promotion. So if you are worried
about some companies making 'unjust' profits out of the DNS when there
will be new gTLDs (without there being any additional benefits to the
internet at large, a position which I think is *not* unreasonable at all)
you should also share the sentiments about the NSI monopoly, which stil
exists for the major part of the registration fee. (Not to mention the
license fee all registrars have to pay NSI for using the software to talk
with the database.)

% Marc Schneiders ------- Venster - http://www.venster.nl % 
%* marc@venster.nl - marc@bijt.net - marc@schneiders.org *%