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[atlarge-discuss] Latin America and Africa


Some people from this community (i think is the real word) think is necesary make "some kind" of space for a global representantion, we don't have people from Africa and Latin America in the "panel".

To have consecuense with our words, is necessary take some decisions.

Maybe our first mistake is don't said this when be in election time, but never is late.

or we speak only for the tribune? and the geographical diversity is only for the pappers?

I don't want to put nobody that don't be elected for the "people", but we need to think in a posibility to have "advisor" (put the name that you want) from Latin America and from Africa.

This is a question for all (include me), what we want?: an internet only for someones, or internet for all?, we try to develop an internet for the future, with good representation and geographical diversity?. We need to understand that only a few part of the world are connected, and this people a 5%? 6%?, what happend this the another 95%?

I want, i believe, in this organization, please be a digital organization for a digital world.

Erick Iriarte Ahon
Project Latinoamericann

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