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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Incorporation & Marginally Useful Insects

**star*walker** wrote:

> in the same paragraph, the meat of it as far as I am concerned: "The way
> the results were announced, and still so far un-corrected, omitting the
> non-winning candidates' names and voters is in my conviction disrespectful
> and devaluing of those individuals."
> It is the simplest matter of fairness and justice and it troubles me that
> impartial others on this list (to the point of my catching up on my
> E-mails) have not spoken to this.

Actually, although I was involved as a candidate and therefore not impartial, I
did speak to it.  See: http://www.fitug.de/atlarge-discuss/0208/msg00155.html  And
I agree completely with your point.

> I am growing increasingly to see just the challenge in keeping up with
> reading the sheer volume of E-mail on this list. Right now I'm feeling
> overwhelmed, without even feeling the obliged to respond to things that
> aren't directed to me.

Yes, this is indeed a challenge.  Hope you can stick it through, we need all the
help we can get!

> I feel myself already behind in following up on my volunteering for a task
> group on verification and can much better understand the burden I asserted
> the panelists have. They are obviously going to need lots of help.

If each of us offers and does our little part, I'm certain they will find enough
willing hands.

Best Regards,

Sotiris Sotiropoulos

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