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[atlarge-discuss] Web access to list postings & Re: [atlarge-discuss] Incorporation & Marginally Useful Insects

Sunday, August 11, 2002 * 12:51 PM EDT USA

Sotiris (& everyone):

At 10:53 AM 8/11/2002 -0400, Sotiris Sotiropoulos wrote:

**star*walker** wrote:

> <snipped again>

Actually, although I was involved as a candidate and therefore not impartial, I
did speak to it. See: http://www.fitug.de/atlarge-discuss/0208/msg00155.html And I agree completely with your point.
Sotiris, I apologize for not having read your post first -- I would have simply added my voice to yours and Vittorio's -- which appears to have preceded my original post [http://www.fitug.de/atlarge-discuss/0208/msg00314.html] by two days.

You had written:

Alex et al.,

If I recall correctly, the last panel election results included the votes received results for ALL candidates. Is there any reason why this is not posted for the current results? Can this be remedied?
Not having read that, two days later I wrote:

The way the results were announced, and still so far un-corrected, omitting the non-winning candidates' names and voters is in my conviction disrespectful and devaluing of those individuals.
Has the matter been remedied? It is never too late for amends to be made through corrective action.

What you refer to as your partiality in the issue I don't see at all. I see it as a call for fair play. At the very worst yours would be a partiality to fair play and justice. And since that is the case you can always count me in.

I see Vittorio's specific comment on the subject the same, and would guess that the omission accounts at least somewhat for his impassioned and seemingly bitter post.

And so I offer Vittorio my apology as well for not naming him directly as the first (am I not correct in this?) to raise the matter.

> I am growing increasingly to see just the challenge in keeping up with
> reading the sheer volume of E-mail on this list. Right now I'm feeling
> overwhelmed, without even feeling the obliged to respond to things that
> aren't directed to me.

Yes, this is indeed a challenge. Hope you can stick it through, we need all the
help we can get!
Actually, you have helped me more than you could have ever guessed when you took the time to point up my lack of recognition of your prior post to the issue.

You are responsible for teaching me something else new today. I had no idea the list posts were accessible in the manner in which your citation brought them to my attention. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Is this helpful little bit of information published somewhere and I just missed seeing it? And is there a search feature (Boolean hopefully)? And if there isn't what are we doing about it? Even in this more approachable form the sheer number of list postings will be totally unapproachable soon, if they aren't already.

You've just helped me "stick it through!" I've been going nuts trying to approach all of these posts simply using Eudora E-mail program. It had completely gotten away from me.

I will go so far as to say what I've learned from you has just "saved" me. :-)

> I feel myself already behind in following up on my volunteering for a task
> group on verification and can much better understand the burden I asserted
> the panelists have. They are obviously going to need lots of help.

If each of us offers and does our little part, I'm certain they will find enough
willing hands.
My view exactly.

Thanks again... /s/ Joey

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