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[atlarge-discuss] RE: [atlarge-panel] let keep cool, organized and simple

On 16:24 27/08/02, Joanna Lane said:
Know your audience.
hmmm.... Joanna, you surprise me.

We are not aiming for industry experts who understand DNS, neither WIPO.
We are @large. This means the people who care enough about others and the nets to spend time over it and to elect 9 people to the BoD. This means people able to elect (knowing why I presume):

- a lawyer and a technical R&D
- a top level engineer
- a large corporation Director
- a University teacher
- a local ISP entrepreneur

We are hundred of thousands of people around understanding what we are talking about and knowing that a telephone number without an area code, a forename without a name or an Internet name without a TLD are meaningless. We are people grown enough to know that you do not name a corporation after its telephone number, with or without the area code.

Please do not despise us. We are NOT the stupid activists and dump dot-commers that the BoD pretend we are. I am afraid you read ICANNature a little too much :-)

We are of all ages, nations, cultures, competences and IQs. But there is necessarily something we have in common: we are more competent in Internet matters than the common users who are more competent than the non users. And we are more dedicated to it.

Do not despise us. This will not motivate us.

They will deal with us wearing whatever name we chose to bear. What I think
we care about is talking in a language that the general public understands
so that we can attract the most seriously under-represented groups and give
them a VOTE in the process.
We do not give a damn about a vote. We want them to get a voice. Unless you give everyone a vote, a vote will not be considered. This is not a country and a governement. This is a crowd being refused its besic rights. We do not want to regulate the power right now, we want to take it. We do not want to discuss with them: we want to be them. We do not want to deal with them, we want to decide with them. We do not want to compose with a dominance, we want to rebuild a concertance.

Anything less has no interest.

We are not about voting about a panel, we are about taking the world.

Our audience has barely grasped that an internet exists, if at all,
Great! What is your deffinition of @large? The most stupid fellows on earth?

These peole dedicate time to Internet, some run part of the Internet (read the list of our Members) and they would not know what the internet is ??????

Sorry to react, but what are you talking about ????

and would include the 80% of the world who don't even wear shoes for Eric's boy to shine. Do you really think InternetAtLarge.org screams "I have been sold by ISOC" to them?
1) I think getting his shoes shined is neutral as far as smartness or Internet udnerstanding are concerned?

2) @large are the spine of the Internet participants. Our challenge is to respond to the ISOC uncertainty at gathering real people. We are not in a dream here. We are delaing with a serious 700.000.000 user system, with billions of dollars, with the digital soverignty of States, with our economy, with the future of our kids, etc... what means life and death and the sufferance of many.

Sorry, I ams sorry if you do not accept that. Many, many may very soon know and understand what "I have been sold by ISOC" means - in good or in bad. Our role is to make sure it is good to them. As many many knows about ".com" today.

Please, once for all, let understand we are here to serve, and let stop blocking others. Plenty of room for everyone.

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