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[atlarge-discuss] Re: Pax pax...


I appreciate the diversity values in Democracy, however I personally
feel that when someone voluntarily joins a group by his own will, and is
elected to that group's office; They then has a responsibility that
supersedes their own personal opinions. One does not run for office on
one campaign, and upon election, make an about face and expect not to
receive criticisms.

In regards to the self-proclaimed "vulgar display of acrimony" portrayed
by Mr. Gupta, I have reprinted the letter from Danny Younger and Myself

With exception to only the Tile of the message (Another traitor? ), of
which Danny posted and I followed, I concede that the use of "Traitor"
may be harmful. The Content of the letters in as far as I can see, is
free from any "vulgar display of acrimony". 

In my opinion again, and I stress; 'this is only my opinion I may be
wrong', Mr. Gupta has employed simple twist of advocacy by use of the
following: I'll provoke you, just to claim to be the victim.

I fail to see the use of "vulgar display of acrimony" by Danny or
Myself. Further Mr. Gupta has failed to answer the questions presented
him here, nor by members of Icannatlarge thereafter.

Persons elected by the People, have an "Accountability" to those People.
It is a fundamental principle of Democracy.

Which now brings me to the controversial point, If Mr. Gupta's action
are 'status-quo' it leads one to wonder, Whom on the Icannatlarge Panel
that was elected, ran for office just to hedge their position in respect
to Icann's Reforms (Stuart Lynn's reform), and doing so, to better their
chances in the Icann 'Cabinet-System'?

Is Mr. Gupta's apparent defection just a symptom of a much larger

I would ask that each Panel member to re-read their campaign statements
and give us an up-date on the status of their respective progress.
Accountability comes with Responsibility, and vice-versa.

I will not be blinded by mindless rhetorical. Pax, pax... if you chose
to believe, but not me.

James Khan

P.S.: Mr. Gupta, If you find the foregoing letter a "vulgar display of
acrimony", please accept my humble apologies. James "Jimmy" Khan

Referred exhibits

I. ----- Original Message -----
From: Satyajit Gupta <icheckemail@indiatimes.com>
I am sure anyone who is not part of the movement is either having a good
laugh or is disgusted by this vulgar display of acrimony in the group

II. -----Original Message-----
From: Jkhan [mailto:Jkhan@MetroMgr.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 10:45 AM
To: 'atlarge-discuss@lists.fitug.de'
Subject: FW: [atlarge-discuss] Another traitor? 2.0

*INDEED*, this reeks so deeply of *hypocrisy* as he has officially
accepted the dogma of Icann. It can be assumed that the 93 vote Mr.
Gupta received are as well Treasonous. 

He has sold-out his fellow countrymen by not choosing to endorse Vivek
Durai, and he will sell you out to. He has chosen to put the special
interest of his own benefit, over the 1.25 Billion people of India and
the 6.157 billion World at large.

S.G.: " I also wish to set the tone by endorsing a candidate not from my
country and region - the global village is shrinking very fast!"

The Nation of India is presently at 1.25 Billion people. By 2025 it is
estimated to be 1.33 Billion, By 2050 India will have surpassed China
and be an estimated 1.57 Billion (To be the largest Nation of people on
It's not shrinking, its eutrifing!

Vivek and You are responsible for 625 million people, EACH, NOW, in
India alone. Forget Me, forget Danny, *YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY* and
you are accountable for that responsibility.

The pertinence of Mr. Younger's question is valid, please answer the

??? Why would you endorse the candidacy of a Special Interest Party (Dr.

??? Why would you do such a thing when you have a greater RESPOSIBILITY
to the At-Large???

All the At Large Panel members have an "Accountability" for their
individual action, This is just one thing that sets us apart from what
Icann is.

I find your actions completely in contempt and wrong.
Why Mr. Gupta, Why?

III. -----Original Message-----
From: DannyYounger@cs.com [mailto:DannyYounger@cs.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 1:25 AM
To: atlarge-discuss@lists.fitug.de
Subject: [atlarge-discuss] Another traitor?

The At-Large is now being sabotaged by traitors from within.  

I see that icannatlarge.com Panelist Satyajit Gupta has endorsed
Pisanty, the man who is orchestrating the death of the At-large, for
term on the ICANN Board.  I also note that he didn't endorse the
candidates (and his fellow panelists) YJ Park and Vivek Durai.  As a
of Satyajit's endorsement, Alejandro is now officially a candidate for
Board, while YJ and Vivek still haven't reached the threshold

What's worse, look at Pisanty's pathetic voting record on every DNSO
issue to 
come before the Board.  Whatever the DNSO recommends, Pisanty votes
it.  Perhaps Satyajit considers this to be "expertise" and
"knowledge"... I 
consider it to be the hallmark of arrogance and the refutation of the
of consensus-based decision-making.  

Perhaps Satyajit will tell us why he is sucking up to the Board.  

3a. Full name of the endorser: Satyajit Gupta
3b. E-mail address of the endorser: satyajitg@hotmail.com
3c. Full name of the accepted nominee you wish to endorse: Alejandro

    As a DNSO-GA member, I wish to endorse Dr.Alejandro Pisanty for the 
ICANN Board. I believe that the expertise and the knowledge of
shall contribute to and enrich the Board in numerous ways. I also wish
set the tone by endorsing a candidate not from my country and region -
global village is shrinking very fast!

   I wish Dr.Pisanty all the success in the future. I volunteer to help
any way I can.

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