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RE: [atlarge-discuss] icannatlarge.com

   ...I usually hesitate to write  - why?

 - We have a member who has no touch with reality
 - We have a member for whom the phrase "apples & oranges" has no meaning
 - We have a member who confuses causation with correlation 
 - We have a member who changes colors on a whime
 - We have a member whose words and whose actions are anything but in sync
 - We have a member from whom we would expect discussion but get none
 - We have a member for whom working as a team is not task-anything
 - We have a member who is usually contrary 
 - We have a member who is an expert weaver, giving chemistry advise

 - We have a member who is in keeping with the idea, "Keep your friends
close, but keep your enemies closer." The problem is, who IS their enemy.

 - It would seem we would rather talk about it, than do it
 - it would seem we would rather ignore it, than deal with it
 - It would seem we would rather argue, than reach consensus
 - It would seem we would rather use subterfuge, than honesty

 - It would seem we would rather have a selective memory, than remember
the facts as they were

 - It would seem we would rather give our members just the responsibilty
for the task at hand...authority - no way!

Nevertheless, since Bruce has commented on his involvement - let me do the
same on mine...by this a form of positive confirmation.

On Sat, 21 Sep 2002, Bruce Young wrote:

> First, this was not a pleasant issue for any of us, particularly
> Joanna. But we were faced with the publically-stated opinion of a
> knowledgeable lawyer in an official ICANN forum that the
> ICANNATLARGE.ORG choice could leave us open to a potential lawsuit,
> since we do not hold a license from ICANN to use it.  This was by no
> means solely Joanna's call.  Walt and I were both involved in the
> discussion...

   ...of which there was more than one, and which inluded phone
conversations between Joanna and me. Bruce would have taken part had he
been available.

> If the shorter fuses on the list would have noticed, the primary
> target of our joint statement was *not* the membership, it was the
> Panel.

   ...it is as Bruce wrote

> The discuss list was CC'd for openness sake, but were not the direct
> addressee.  So why is everyone jumping on Joanna for making
> "arbitrary" or "top-down" decisions?  She, or more to the point *we*,
> made *no* decisions!  We only addressed an issue we became aware of to
> the panel.  It is now up to the panel to get together virtually,
> decide on a recommended course of action and refer it to the
> membership.

   ...it is as Bruce wrote

> In retrospect we may have been premature to recommend to the panel
> that they modify the vote mid-stream.

   ...I will politely disagree. When given a task that takes an unexpected
turn, notice of the event(s) should include a suggested solution.

> At this point I agree that the vote should continue unabated to it's
> planned conclusion tomorrow, and the vote count posted.  After we have
> a clear winner will be soon enough to discuss the legality of
> whichever name wins.

   ...Certain bells once rung, cannot be unrung. I do not know what might
be the effects of us picking ICANNATLARGE.ORG - and while I do not think
there would be any, I remind myself I am a CPA, not an Attorney with
specialties in this area, one of which HAS suggested we could have a
problem. I also remind myself we do not have the resources to hire such an
individual, and that no matter how many of us also think there would be no
affects, we, all, still are not attorneys. Given this, it makes sense to
me to suggest we remove ICANNATLARGE.ORG from the ballot.

> In the mean time, everyone please be nice to Joanna....And if you want
> to deflect some of your hostility to me, have at it!  I was a party to
> creating the document in question.

   ...the same goes for me!

 --- REgards, walts@dorsai.org Walter C. Schmidt, IT CPA  Blue(.) ---
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