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[atlarge-discuss] Who are “They?” [Might have been RE: [ atlarge-discuss] resignation, but not really.]


I’ve just responded to a private off-list query that I choose now to publish to this list. I have stripped off identifying information of my own judgment, not at the request of the author.

The query was:

From: Joey Borda **star*walker** <starwalker@gay.com>
"Now is not the time for ANYONE to resign, let alone you.
Don't you see that by your resignation "they" will be winning without even having fired a shot!"


Who is "they"...??
My answer: Why the “proverbial they,” at the very least.

In real-world politics there is always a “they.” Whether they be benign or malign, there are those especially designated by their seeming silence or hidden voices with an absolute vested interest in what is going on.

In my experience it has been the chairman of the local, most powerful bank, his son-in-law president of the very same bank and all the puppets of said bank, all too numerous too count, but all involved in the process in one way or another. It is their bought and paid for office holders, and party apparachicks.

They been the well-meaning but envious or jealous miscreant “allies.”

They have been the “loyal opposition” political party unrestrained in their objectives and tactics.

The list can be, and usually is, endless.

In our instant case, take your pick. Examining from bottom up...

Members who are genuine in their interest and care, yet who are not sufficiently supportive to some of our needs, or unable to come to our aid even when they might want to.

Members who are paper members only because they thought somehow it was just a good idea to sign up.

Members who are opposition members, who’ve added themselves to our membership, either with marching orders to oppose or simply natures to oppose.

These things can also be speculated as to panelists.

Certainly “they” are directly or indirectly in the background of the brouhaha pointlessly raised regarding the use of “ICANN” in our organizational name.

Consider that if you wanted a group of contrarian people to do what you wanted then surely the best way is to give them the impression, by whatever means, that you DON’T want them to do it! In that respect we’ve been royally had.

Especially when the Joanna, and then the whole of the election trustees, proposed what was rightly perceived as anti-democratic! -- the equivalent of a red cape in front of all us bulls.

I suppose I am most bothered with those among us that I regard as my “friends” or most likely to become my friends who continue to be naïve to the world and ways of real politics. Perhaps you too are among those, I don't know. Or perhaps you are one of “them.” It does not matter.

In real world politics you don’t get many, if any, second chances. You either get things right the first time, or you wait a very long time for things to come round again.

I do not bother repeating myself on the list to the best of my ability. I consider my offerings worth stating once, whether they please people or piss them off, to be offerings of gold, offerings of incredible value.

That they are ignored, forgotten, treated lightly and so on, is I believe to the real and practical disadvantage of the organization. And as I had to in my practice of group psychotherapy I cannot be wed to the outcomes, and only hope that in ways I cannot even imagine my impact with people will be felt, demonstrated and perhaps even be vindicated at some future time.

So as “righteous” as my contributions may be, I never submit them for righteousness sake. I submit them because I’ve learned to trust my own experience and knowledge of the real world I have lived in, and still do, and achingly want to advance the democracy of this cause.

In conclusion, perhaps the best operating definition of “they” is those who see their lives as 24/7 jobs (self-asserted obligations) to covet, expand, and exercise power over others.

I, and we, am (are) typically disadvantaged in the face of “them” for what should be the obvious reasons. We are not likewise inclined, and even if we were we are not in the “capital” positions to do so.

“They's” greatest tool (and weapon) is their sustained anonymity, their seeming invisibility, their perfection of plausible deniability, all the while at the helm and in control.

While you may struggle to “know” who “they” are I can assure they do not have to struggle to know who you are, who I am, or who we all are. And in that we advantage them. And espousing democratic values, so it must be.

Our best tool-weapon?! Being forewarned and forearmed with the perspective I've just given you.

/s/ Joey

Wednesday, September 25, 2002 * 2:14 PM EDT USA
[Wednesday, September 25, 2002 * 2:23 PM EDT USA]