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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Re: AL001, Vote to choose organizationname

At 19:36 +0200 2002/09/25, Thomas Roessler wrote:
>This is not an acceptable way of publishing a vote's final result.
>With all due respect, I'd very much like to see a level of detail  
>similar to what is normal when the DNSO secretariat runs a vote.  
>In particular, I'd like to see the individual steps of the  
>preferential voting analysis, I'd like to see a precise number of  
>valid votes delivered, I'd like to see how you have interpreted the  
>"X" ballots, I'd like to see how the votes were distributed over the 
>various alternatives (and not just the top two), and so on.

I agree wholeheartedly and would like to propose the following motion:


a) the ad hoc Election Committee (composed of the Panel Chair and two volunteer Watchdogs] will publish the complete results of the balloting on our organization's name, including:
- the number of members to whom ballots were sent
- the number of ballots cast
- the detailed results of the count for all options
and a report on the procedure used to
- verify ballots cast against the membership roll of the date on which ballots were distributed
- remove duplicate or otherwise invalidated ballots
- resolve differences (if any) in interpreting individual ballots
- tabulate the preferential vote
and announce the results to all members.

b) the Panel analyze the results of this process with the assistance of the Elections Working Group and present the membership with 
- a recommendation on procedures to be used in future balloting; 
- a period in which that recommendation can be discussed, considered and, if need be, amended
- a resolution to adopt the resulting procedure and an opportunity to cast their votes as to whether this procedure should be incorporated into the bylaws of the organization.

Comments, anyone? Is there a seconder?



Judyth Mermelstein     "cogito ergo lego ergo cogito..."
Montreal, QC           <espresso@e-scape.net>
"A word to the wise is sufficient. For others, use more."

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