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[atlarge-discuss] Back to topic, please! Re: [atlarge-discuss] Re: FC: NancyCarter, who is suing Canadian ISP, replies to Politech

At 00:23 -0800 2002/11/08, Larry Fuss wrote:
>Sotiris and mall takeovers and other interteded fembers:
>The East Coast Group of INEG stands behind our spooksman, Jeff Willams.  We >need to find out more about the Nancy Carter Situation as something we need >to address or more so as we become able.

By all means, Larry, but why doesn't INEGroup use its own members' mailing list, rather than one which exists for another purpose than INEGroup's internal discussions? Given Jeff's criticism of icannatlarge.org for allowing its working groups to use lists hosted on an external site, I'd have thought he'd have bought his own server for INEGroup and provided its 127,000+ members with an INEGroup discussion list.

Anyway, interesting as Nancy Carter's case may be, Sotiris is right. We can be no help to her or anyone else until we get this group organized and working effectively. 

Eager to get back to work on the matter at hand,


Judyth Mermelstein     "cogito ergo lego ergo cogito..."
Montreal, QC           <espresso@e-scape.net>
"A word to the wise is sufficient. For others, use more."

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