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[atlarge-discuss] last call for atlarge/ws members

I am to incorporate the atlarge/ws organization this week. Its purpose will be to serve the atlarge.ws naming plan as a world support system to the community of the @large members of the Internet governance, whatever organization they may belong to - including icannatlarge.org.

If you are interested in becoming a member of that organization please let it know now. atlarge/ws will be incorporated as a French non-profit registrants association. The Members will form a panel to decide about the validation of the new registered names and will elect its BoD once we have at least 200 registrants. I will serve as the initial Registry Manager. It will participate in the dot-root project to experiment the test ".atlarge" TLD currently in operation through a test nationwide French ISP access.

I will donate that association the atlarge.ws, icann-at-large.org/com/net and icann-atlarge.com/org/net names I own.

The pre-operation test @largeNIC resolves at http://www.atlarge or http://atlarge.ws

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