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[Fwd: Re: [atlarge-discuss] ALAC appoints NomCom reps, Chairs and liaisons]

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Vittorio Bertola wrote:
(B> Please let us have your comments.
(B> =====
(B> http://www.icann.org/announcements/announcement-19feb03.htm
(B> At-Large Advisory Committee Announces Delegates to ICANN's Nominating
(B> Committee, Appointments to ALAC Posts
(B> Marina del Rey, California, USA (19 February 2003) $BK(JICANN's Interim
(B> At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) today announced that it selected
(B> five volunteers from five different regions of the world to serve as
(B> members of the Nominating Committee, the new committee that will
(B> select a majority of ICANN's new Board of Directors as well as
(B> individuals to serve in other key positions. The ALAC also announced
(B> the appointment of its members to internal and liaison positions,
(B> including Vittorio Bertola as ALAC Chair.
(BCongratulations, Vittorio - and my first comment is this:
(BI saw *nothing* in the announcement about how the NomCom's deliberations are 
(Bto be carried out.  How often (if at all), and where, will the NomCom meet?  
(BWill the meetings be open or closed?  Is there to be a publicly-accessible 
(Brecord of the deliberations, or are you subject to a "gag order?"
(BThis was a regrettable oversight on ICANN's part - an oversight that I would 
(Bexpect you to remedy without delay.
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