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[atlarge-discuss] ICANN vs the ccTLD's in Geneva - Dateline March 6, 2003

All former DNSO GA membersor other interested parties,

  Yet again the growing distrust of ICANN amongst the ccTLD's
and the broader Stakeholder/user internet community is laid
bare again.
See:http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/6/29612.html - The article 
has links to all presentations given at the two day meeting, and 
also an audio of the event at the bottom of the article. It's 
also a good summary of the downward sprial of its history.

     Internet battle lines were drawn at an extraordinary meeting in
     Geneva this week. The non-descript "ccTLD workshop" hosted by
     the International Telecommunication Union on 3-4 March attracted a
     stellar cast including ICANN president Stuart Lynn, ITU secretary
     general Yoshio Utsumi and leading representatives of just about
     every major organisation dealing with the Internet today.

    Why the huge fuss? Because the meeting threatened to turn into a
    caucus where rising resentment against ICANN and its attempt to
    stamp ultimate authority over the Internet could have escalated 
    into international agreement and action.

   Many country domain managers are furious at ICANN's constant
   efforts to get them to sign up to a new set of ICANN terms and
   conditions - often under threat of withholding vital services - that
   would effectively hand over control of their domain to the

   Many do not trust ICANN to use such power correctly and have good
   reason to be concerned considering its previous behaviour with
   regard to the wider Internet community.

   An incredible 63 papers were introduced to the meeting, of which
   17 were either implicitly or openly hostile to ICANN. ICANN
   retaliated with nine papers, most of them written by members of its
   organisation, that supported its position. The remainder were either
   academic studies or simply papers that more accurately fitted the
   full title of the meeting "Workshop on Member States' Experiences
   with ccTLDs".

   In the end, however, hostilities were tempered by the absence of
   many authors of ICANN-critical papers and the clear lack of
   consensus among those representing country-code domains, often
   from developing countries, who admitted to not understanding the
   structure behind the Internet's overseeing organisation.

==========  End of Excerpts ========

  Other refrences:
  Contains papers submitted.
http://yro.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=03/03/06/147248  - Slashdot ref.


Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman for INEGroup LLA. - (Over 129k members/stakeholders strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng. SR. Eng. Network data security
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
E-Mail jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com
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