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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Real world nominations

Dear Claude,
On 16:16 07/05/03, zip said:
They believe that sending nastymails make them popular, IMHO it makes them judged, and kill our crediblity. So not to judge them I went away after having tried to help.
True, with the nice gift to reroute your mails from this list to my address when you left. Took one week to kill that.

I saw that there was an ultimate chance and I came back. I even registered. I will now bring my own block to the building of this community:

- I nominate specially Mr. Abel Towers. At the GA and on this list, as well as through some professionnal links I learned about him as a true hope for practical at-large development.
Noted. Abel is already nminated and seconded. But I understand you respond to is request. Thank you.

- I nominate again Mr. Hugh Blair. So Mr. Sotiropoulos will stop fighting him. I do not support some of Mr. Blair positions at the GA, but he participates with what is often after all my opinion.
Hugh Blair was nominated and seconded already. The conditions that Bruce detailed is that we accept nominations from everywhere and report them in here and on icannatlarge.org. So we accepted direct mails to Polling Committee Memebres as well as posts on this list and nominations on iacannatlarge.com. I make also sur that icannatlarge.com receives all the information. The only problem we faced was that icannatlarge.com did not follow the dates we had voted and published. This has been clarified now.

- I wish to nominate Carina Ren as our Member in Beijin.
Noted. I do not know her, but I support paying a tribute to China. Also we need Members with the experience of the IDN to help us through the IDNA process. I second this nomination.

- Jefsey proposed yesterday a list of nominees. I shared in most of that list. I did it for a friend from a country where you can go to jail for doing that (if you are ignorant enough about that, too bad for you).
You know I know who you mean. There is a committee in France and in several European countries (may be also in the USA and Canada and I understand one in Brasil to support one of his friends, a newsman in jail). I am to rewrite a paper fro them on how the Internet might permit both people like him and his Gov to match their targets. We are not here to fight each other, butto build and maintain bridges (then they may fight over the bridges :-) .

A good point for SMSI. Why not to ask YJ Park to join on thiis once the vote is over and create a commitee on that ? ICANN is not important. Together we can do far more that ALAC and then to do the ALAC job as a by-product. I will see if we cannot post a question on that for the ballot? Would you help? Give me a ring if you want.

The idea is the following: we need new blood in this community. Real blood from the real world, aside of the IDNO croonies. So we went into the list and tried to figure out who from the various parts of the world could help this list getting real. Thinking about the users and their needs and forgetting ICANN. This list is not perfect, sometimes random, but we tried our best to make it significant. The nomminees will decide if they want to be a candidate. Their communities desserve being nominated. Therefore I nominate them ALL in the open and I do hope someone else or Jefsey will second them ALL as he did for Joop's ones. I hope everyone accepts that these people from the real second, third or in one case forth world are worth the same as those from the icannatalrge.com Forum. Does someone want to challenge that?
At this time I (one hour to go to 00/00 GMT) I can clarify my position. One of our "serious" Members (ICANN influent) threaten me. With a similar idea to yours. But more drastic : he nominated every member because he wanted to have self-nominations. I did not think it was wise, and at this time I think it would have created havoc. So we compromised; he accepted to nominate the people I would nominate and I would second everyone someone else would nominate.

Your idea is better, because it has been worked on. May be the people you nominated are not the right one right now, but everyone maybecome the right one as we are here just te represent others. They may realize whet they can bring to us and feel which new role as a Rep for their community they may have. You should have come earlier with it.

We need to have - like at the WSIS or at the ITU - mailing lists in Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, etc. and French too.
As you know, dear "non-member of france@large", this is something I fight for for a long. Why not to help @home too, and only @large >:-) ?
There is a WSIS meeting on the 12th in Paris where ISOC will present ICANN, users etc. We must be able to document that election as a multilateral ALTERNATIVE to the ICANN unilateralism
I would suggest you help us with http://dot-root.com then. What you say is true in theory. But we have to make it real in demonstrating it, in testing it. This community may help demonstrating it at "people layer". We have also to demostrate it among operators (ISPs), registries (TLDs), national communities (ccTLDs, GAC, ITU), as well as at DNS and root operations layer.

Once we demonstrated it everywhere people will relax, and we will have gained a lof experience ICANN is missing. Do you really believe that Louis Touton has the capacity to take a technical decision on the DNS management of the world's network? Or the Crispy Brothers? You have to be mad, as now-gone Joe Sims, to believe you can decide by your own :-). Ask Jun Murai. Then just do not know if three new TLDs will not kill the whole root system. And they have no test bed ....


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