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Re: [atlarge-discuss] A question for the candidates

At 01:13 p.m. 22/05/2003, Jan Siren wrote:

How would you, as a Panelist, act to raise the level of discourse among
the icannatlarge membership, and between the membership and its elected

There are several ways to raise the level of discourse and all of them should be used.

1. promoting a webforum and providing light moderation by an elected or appointed Forum administrator.
2. Having more than one mailing list, one unmoderated with very basic rules, another with transparency (subscribers can see who is on it), more detailed rules and rule enforcement.
2.a. There may be merit in exploring "in session" rules, especially for the Panel list.

3. Specifically for communication between the members and the Elected Officers there should be an area reserved in the Forum where such communication appears in Public, accessible to all and not restricted to list-subscribers.
4. The member registration form should be improved, so that Forum registration becomes simply a matter of ticking another box.

With respect Jan, I do think that an open webForum is more universally accessible than a subscriber based mailing list.
More importantly, it scales better to a larger membership and does not have the side effect of "driving serious people away".


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