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[atlarge-discuss] hello icannatlarge members

Hello all,
My name is Catherine Hughes and I am happy to be a panel nominee for the icannatlarge group.  I feel this group has the potential to move forward as a cohesive voice for the rights of Internet users around the globe.  We can learn from each other through the exchange of ideas, identify those issues that we should/and could move on, and most of all stay on course with a positive attitude.
One of my main concerns with ICANN is the lack of Internal Controls inherent in the current structure of their organization. As we know, no one person/entity(Icann) should have control over a transaction from beginning to end. Ideally the entity (Icann) that authorizes  the existence of Registrars should not be the same entity that decides who the 'Approved' Registrars are. The current setup allows ICANN too much control - to the point that 'conflicts of interest' and irregularities are inevitable. There are no safeguards in the current setup - while Icann currently has "Authorizing" power - the power of "Approval" should be given to a separate/independent group. Only then can we be assured of valid transactions.
Catherine Hughes

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