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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Posting limits

Hello Albert:

Ah, at last!  A cry of clarity out of the wilderness.  Someone else has come to the crystalline reality that Jeff Williams is here only to dispel logic and breed dissent via obfuscation and lies.  Why, folks, do you bother to talk to a nut case?  The more one talks to a nut case the more one has a chance to become one.  Nuttiness is contagious.  Jeff is the Typhoid Mary of kooks and zombies.  Quarantine is the only way to prevent the spread of such a contagion.  I agree, stop Jeff Williams now.

Because I have said that I can expect to receive several hundred, if not thousands, of porno subscriptions, spam, and abusive email from unknown sources courtesy of someone that does not agree with what I have just said.  Gee, I wonder who that person might be?


Micheal Sherrill

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Albert Brickel <nonukesnokooks@yahoo.com>
Date:  Sun, 25 May 2003 21:32:42 -0700 (PDT)

Jeff Williams needs to be stopped NOW.  When are you people going
to learn?  Psychos cannot help themselves.  They have to do these
things.  They are crazy.  It has nothing to do with their rights, it has 
everything to do with YOUR rights.  You do not have to put up with
babbling illogic, bland lies, and mania.  We will not survive if we allow 
the idiots, kooks, and trolls to rule this organization.  Ban him now!  
Take charge for once in your lives!  This knot head has been around on
 the Internet since 1998.  When will you understand that this is a sickness 
for him that he cannot control.  Someone else needs to intervene.  
Someone else needs to confront Jeff Williams and demand that he stop 
his obsessions.  That someone else is you.  Stop answering his slightly 
off base questions and rigorous comments that make you want to 
courteously reply.  Jeff is not courteous, Jeff takes advantage.  Jeff is 
one sick individual that lives only to subvert and disrupt.  He will suck 
you into a prolonged conversation that will branch again and again into 
confused oblivion.  That is his goal.  Jeff is smart but he is not educated.  
This really bothers him.  He is compensating by introducing more and 
more confrontational dialogue into any communication that you allow to 
continue.  He finds this stimulating even to the point of eroticism.  You 
will not get Jeff Williams to admit guilt or stop posting.  Your only chance 
is to not continue massaging his erogenous zones.  Do you understand?  
Probably not.  You will still try to convince Jeff that what you postulate is 
logical and correct.  But, what you will still not understand is that is not 
what Jeff is about.  Jeff is about disruption.  Jeff is about chaos.  Jeff is 
about confusing people because he, too, is confused.  Is this what you 
want to do with our struggling organization?  Should we continue to allow 
the crazies to direct our cause?  Sure, go ahead, keep denying that Jeff 
is not directing and subverting this attempt to bring justness to the internet.  
If we fail, we have only ourselves to blame, not Jeff.  Jeff is only a pawn.  
We are to blame if we do not move him aside and prevail.

DannyYounger@cs.com wrote:In the last 24 hours I have probably read over 30 emails sent to this list by 
Jeff Williams. How much verbal diarrhea must the participants on this list 
be forced to endure?

It is long past time to establish some reasonable posting limits. Let this 
be the first action of the new Panel.

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