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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Re: Jeff Williams is a lying newbie

Hello Ron:

I am glad to find at least one person that benefits from the drivel that Jeff Williams produces.  You obviously have much more patience than I when it comes to Internet noise.  But your admonitions to Holger to take it offline are feeble.  Jeff Williams does not take things offline.  He posts and crossposts and cross crossposts even email that one specifically requests in the subject header as private.  Holger does lack a certain sophistication regarding a proper way to flame someone but he is correct in his desire to make sure that newcomers to this group are aware of Jeff Williams and his obsessions and lies and intimidations and belligerence. 

Quite frankly, I wish you and Jeff Williams would communicate with each other offline.  No offense meant, but it would allow you to take advantage of his plethora of static and open up bandwidth here, as well.


Micheal Sherrill

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Ron Sherwood" <sherwood@islands.vi>
Date:  Tue, 27 May 2003 08:10:56 -0400

Dear Holger:

You wrote:

> That would only help me personally but it would endanger new members of
> initially believing anything said by our resident nutball. To let him
> spew his dribble undisputed would be worse, IMHO, in the long run.

In the past three months, you have posted 75 times. Sixty of those posts
have been  about Jeff Williams (49 of them addressed directly to him and
copied to this list).

With only 15 of your posts addressing issues at hand, how do you justify
using 80% of your bandwidth to compete with Jeff Williams? He is far better
at list saturation than you are, and will outlive your efforts as he has
every other attempt to beat him at his own game. (He already has taken over
80% of your on-list life! ... Don't you feel used?)

You may feel that you are the White Knight defending a noble cause (the
protection of "new members") but you are wasting your time and the time of
everyone that reads your JW bashing posts.  Please take your battle

Ron Sherwood.

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