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[atlarge-discuss] The Censorship card? See: Washington state loses battle to censor Justicefiles.org

All fellow members, former members of the DNSO GA, and other interested

  Recently on this forum and others ICANN related,  there has
been some/much  discussion or interest in Censorship.  As one
that opposes Censorship in any of it's ugly and malignant forms
perhaps the following would be of interest and worth consideration
before attempting to impose any form of censorship...

=============== Copy of post follows ============
        FC: Washington state loses battle to censor Justicefiles.org
        Tue, 27 May 2003 13:38:09 -0400
   From:  Declan McCullagh <declan@well.com>
     To:   politech@politechbot.com

Elena's message forwarded with permission. Also see:



Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 13:26:52 -0700
To: declan@well.com
From: Elena Luisa Garella <garella@mindspring.com>

Declan-- the "anti-bill sheehan law" was struck down by Federal
Court Judge Cougenour yesterday.

Bill Sheehan was forced to pull down his website, which featured
criticism of police, with their names, home addresses, SSNs, etc,
after RCW 6.24.680-700 was passed last year.  The law created
liability for releasing the personal identifying information of police
and court-related personnel "with the intent to harm or intimidate."
(Of course, you could still release it for profit, or to praise the

The Court handed down a very good pro-internet, pro-free speech
ruling.  Guess what?  "Thought-policing is not a compelling state
interest recognized by the First Amendment."  Hallelujah.

No electronic copy of the decision is available.  If you want me to
fax it to you, please fax your number.

Elena Garella
Attorney for William Sheehan
927 N Northlake Way, Ste 301
Seattle, WA 98103


POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and technology mailing list
You may redistribute this message freely if you include this notice.

================== End of copied post ================

Respectful regards,
Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman for INEGroup LLA. - (Over 131k members/stakeholders strong!)
"Be precise in the use of words and expect precision from others" -
    Pierre Abelard
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng. SR. Eng. Network data security
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