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Re: [atlarge-discuss] méthodes de travail normales,

Micheal Sherrill wrote:

Hello Ron:

You are shooting the messenger.  We are attempting to elect 11 people to the panel and a goodly portion of those nominated have not contributed whatsoever to this organization or, even worse, just joined a few weeks ago.  Now, I am all for getting this thing to move forward but trying to elect ringers is moving forward off a cliff.

I agree completely.

A 5 member panel will probably help us prevent a stacked panel.  That way we can avoid the ringers and elect those that have worked so hard to keep this group from collapsing.  Some are surly, yes, but at least I know them, trust them, and should not have to worry that something does not come out the back door of a Trojan Horse of a Panel.

Thanks Micheal!  I completely agree with you, as do many others.

--Sotiris Sotiropoulos

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