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Re: [atlarge-discuss] He Must be Right (was "it Must be Right")

J-F C. (Jefsey) Morfin wrote:

2. now SS has read a mail I sent or replied for Claude Thielet.

Oh? You and "Claude" found it necessary for you to send a message as "Claude"? I see... Well, at least now we have it on record, a few times, that you freely admit to sending a messages to this list as "Claude"; or as Jefsey who forgot he was "Claude"; or Claude who was Jefsey, or Jefsey who was both Claude and not Claude...
By lack of room on my machine I do not keep much.

No time, no room... wow.  It's a wonder you ever get anything done at all!

May be will he read the archives a little further (everyone can) and will understand why and how this called upon the help of Thomas to be eventually solved.

So, now you incriminate Thomas into the "Claude" fraud? Thomas, were you involved in this? Do you have some kind of explanation as to why Jefsey sent the following messages using "Claude's" email addy:


and then when he realized he'd only confused and exposed himself as Jefsey a.k.a. "Claude", he then sent the following message to the list:


I think the facts speak for themselves.

All this is reported in the archives.

It sure is.

--Sotiris Sotiropoulos

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