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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Michael Sherrill <micheal@beethoven.com> Lies again! To: Re: [atlarge-discuss] www.tejas-info-services.com/Library/Libr02r02.htm

Gee whiz Jeffjeff if you go to Albert Brickel's link it links to YOUR VERY OWN WORDS  on the internet!  Gee whiz Jeffjeff are you deaf dumb and blind?  Or may be you think we are!

Jeff Williams <jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

Micheal and all fellow members,

Micheal Sherrill wrote:

> So we have a baby faced kid shaking hands with someone that claims to be Jeff Holt (that is, we
> have two online photos of someone claiming to be Jeff Holt http://www.tejas-info-
> services.com/holt_bio.htm and www.tejas-info-services.com/Library/Libr02r02.htm ). But, let us
> concentrate on the baby faced kid for a moment. Now, Albert Brickel has been doing a fairly
> comprehensive job of correlating statements directly from Jeff Williams (Baby Face) to research
> and rebuttal of his false claims (http://www.fitug.de/atlarge-discuss/0306/msg01323.html).
> Being the youngster that he is:
> * how could he have been a judge for seven years?

Because I am almost 50 yrs of age. I do not look it in Jeff H's.,
photo of he and I. And I showed him my Military ID as well
when we had a late lunch in Greenville. And I never said
I served as a Judge for 7 years, but some time ago said
some 7 years past I was elected as a County Judge,
which is true and a matter of public record.

And the Link you are wrongly quoting is a incorrect
and inaccurate. Given it is authored by
this phony Albert Brickel 

> * how could he have been acting commander for a Marine Air combat squadron in the Viet Nam

I never have said this. I was a XO or Executive officer at
Grand prairie Navel/Marine Air station. I was a F4 driver
in vietnam and a f 14 and F 18 driver later and in the
Gulf war Desert Storm as well as Sr planner for Air
opperations of the planning staff for Desert Storm.

> War?
> * how could he have been one of the originators of ARPANET?
> * in fact, how could he have done all the hundreds of things he has claimed when he was
> obviously still clinging to his mother's skirt when much of the events happened?
> There are two possibilities. Either one is lying. Or they both are lying.

Wrong! The author of http://www.fitug.de/atlarge-discuss/0306/msg01323.html
Albert Brickel is lying! Not I.

Nice try, no cigar you Liar you.

Get some help Micheal for your own good...

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