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Re: [ICANN-EU] LA @large meeting preparation

To all:

This is the updated version of the list of @large action points for the
MDR meeting that I maintain for one month as a proposed common
platform. It results from my initial post and from all the inputs of this
ML's Members as I understood/discussed them.

These action points only concern the general interests of the @large
as a community on a desired non partisan basis. They are only
provided for common convenience.

Thank you for your final comments. I will post that list once again
on Friday.

MDR action points proposed platform

Point 1.  Access to the @large people

The @large Members have been informed by e-mail of the development
of the election. We want that the @large Directors may freely e-mail them
to report heir action and inform them of the @large efforts in their area.

Point 2.  Remaining 4 @large Directors

The remaining 4 Directors must be elected within the shortest delays by
the @large community on a worldwide basis, with a maximum of two
@large Directors per geographical area sitting simultaneously at the BOD.

Point 3.  The ICANN @large site

The ICANN @large site should be organized on a non partisan basis and
provide a link with every self constituted @large site and ML as they may
request it.

Point 4.  @large constituency organization

There will be no attempt to any universal rule to shape and organize the
@large  "chapters" which may come general; regional, national, local,
specialized, etc... Each group, site, ML will have its own organization.

Current propositions concerning the Chair and the Funding on
http://icannmember.org are of interest.

Point 5.  @large focal point

ICANN  will assign a staff focal point person to handle the @large
relations and support. In no way that interface will be allowed to
impose any constraint to the @large Members unless approved
by them.

It will be netiquette that:
- each @large group have an unique and respected interface with him
- never to flame him, but to escalate troubles
- to escalate through the group interfaces, a Director, the BoD.

Point 6.  Permanent @large polling system

A permanent polling system will be installed to permit any @large
group, through one of the @large Director, to poll the opinions of the
@large Members or a group of @large Member.

This system will accept questions and permit group members or
the whole @large constituency to vote yes/no/veto, to discuss and
document their position. It will be permitted to change votes to progress
towards consensus.

Point 7.  PIN system

The PINs should be totally reviewed. Every @large Member should
receive a PIN again in using a reliable mail system. Registration of
new Member should be permanent, with a hold two months before
a Director election. PIN should be renewed on a yearly basis to
maintain the @large Membership data base.

Point 8. Directorship

Equal treatment for @large and SO's Director. Elected Directors
seat at the beginning of the first BoD meeting following their election.
Only the @large Directors shall vote for the @large vacancies and
will not vote for the SO's vacancies. To be approved bylaw changes
should be both agreed by the majority of the @large Directors and
by the majority of the SO's Directors.

Point 9. @large integration

Every ICANN structure, Committee, Working Group, etc... should
include an adapted @large representation in such a way that one
of its Members could be elected at its Chair.

A study will be carried to clarify the situation of the ICANN and of
past decisions in regards to the Californian and Federal laws to
correct possible errors, remove suspicion and indemnify interim

Point 10. Staff Investigation

The @large Members should be solicited for inputs concerning
the candidates to serve as ICANN's CEO and President and
legal Council.
