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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Re: [atlarge-panel] elections

Izumi AIZU wrote:
> I see Jamie, there was a confusion on my part (and perhaps yours, too).
> The election you meant was the ICANN Board election from AtLarge, NOT the
> election of icannatlarge.com full panel members. Then I at least can
> now understand what you mean.  Or do you still mean both?

       I was referring to the Esther/Denise at-large.org thing, which is 
designed to replace elections, which something that the ICANN board and 
staff can control.    What is really evil about the current plans for 
at-large.org is that the board was talking today about using it pack the 

     So what started out is an independent democratic check on power is 
becoming an instrument of undemocratic top down control.


James Love, Consumer Project on Technology
http://www.cptech.org, mailto:love@cptech.org
voice: 1.202.387.8030; mobile 1.202.361.3040

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