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Re: [atlarge-discuss] For Immediate Release

Good idea.

You'd need something with a similarly non-official claim,
yet stronger sounding than "group calling itself ATLARGE".

Maybe foremost blah blah blah "group representing the
ordinary users of the internet", or "the users of the
internet at large" or some such?

Just a thought.

Otherwise, not bad.

If you're doing anything like a press release, you need
the basic story in the first para or two, and then a
few optional paragraphs (with background, details, names,
etc) that lazy (or overworked) editors can keep or bin,
depending on how many inches they need to fill.

You could have a couple of one or two sentence examples of some
of the worst recent abuses. Ones that members of the public
would intuitively agree are unjust or out of order.

eric@hi-tek.com wrote:
 > Certainly just a thought;
 > News flash!
 > The foremost developing international representative
  > roup calling itself ATLARGE.com is preparing for true
  > democratic elections of their leaders.
 > "ATLARGE" is a group...
  > The group is fighting and scrounging...

[don't like scrounging in this context]

 > ...for human resources to help create a model
  > for universal voting and a voice for common users
  > of the Internet....


 > ps. I ain't no proof reader so beat me and the above up.
  > But keep the splash.

Consider youself beaten up ;-)


   Paul the argumentative     ( notmyopinion@btinternet.com )
    "Opinions expressed in this email are not necessarily incorrect."

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