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Re: [atlarge-discuss] We are not alone -- Fwd. WSIS: Virtual PrepOns in cyberspace for the Information Society

On Fri, 2 Aug 2002 23:49:31 -0400, espresso@e-scape.net wrote:

>This material is not about ICANN but it holds some interest, I think, for the potential of an "At Large" community that really works.
><< start of forwarded material >>
> ...

Hello Judyth,
	thank you for this post, and for your others contributions to
this list, really useful IMO.

Someone in this list was concerned about an excessive attention to
day-to-day little games inside ICANN.
You now show us a perspective that could seem too remote on the opposite
side, but we should definitely consider it.

For what I know, the WSIS process (under the aegis of ITU) is scheduled
as complex and slow, with a milestone at the end of next year and
another round, probably more effective, in 2005.
This agenda, I guess, is well considered also from US DoC, which I can
imagine reluctant to give up with ICANN now, while the preferred choice
could be the 'reform' - as Nancy Victory stressed in her letter to Lynn
- or a ICANN's reduction in size and/or in scope.

Hans Klein pointed us to a request from Verisign - CENTR, to limit
ICANN. Having seen the involution of ICANN, now this is probably a good
thing - but IMO this is not our main problem, which instead is the
lacking of participation and representation in ICANN, huge or small.
From here - from an ineffective organisation's role and placement -
comes the management's slowness and ineffectiveness.

Whichever decision will come from DoC this is a permanent challenge for
the Atlarge community. This presently applies mainly to ICANN, tomorrow
could apply where the problems raised from ICANN's management will be.
If icannatlarge fails suiving ICANN's failures (or his own), I am sure
that many of us will continue to defend the same ideas in other places,
hopefully in the online WSIS' PrepCom, among others.
So, the newly elected panel should maintain this perspective, open a
discussion with a precise timetable for the decisions that permit to
weigh on (incorporation comes to mind, and after that, accreditation as
NGO to participate in PrepCom). And, no matter it's no more 'Interim',
as a group it should try to look beyond its one-year's mandate.


Giampaolo Bonora - bonora@nettuno.it

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