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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Point of personal privilege -- I'm being disenfranchised by glitches in the system!

At 04.08.2002 18:44, James Love wrote:
>Izumi AIZU wrote:
>>I was quite annoyed when the ICANN staff "destroyed" all the record
>>of the first election right after they confirmed the result. It did ignore so
>>many people's good intentions, and resulted in a waste of resources.
>>That led the debate about the cost of running another election, and
>>the fee issues since the first round was free of charge which I advocated
>>very strongly.
>   Izumi     I didn't know/remember this.  Who authorized the destruction of the membership records?

I don't think they were physically destroyed, but not using and
updating them amounts to something similar since e-mail addresses
change so rapidly that many e-mail accounts are inactive after
a short period of time. Which reminds of the fact that ICANNatlarge.com
needs some mechanism for checking/updating its membership records
as well.

Best regards,
/// Alexander

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