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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Supporting Organization

(please excuse my poor formatting I am just getting over a virus, no I
am not contagious)

Dear Mr. Younger,
Please excuse my slow response but I was trying to reconcile;
The Kalachakra Tantra relating to the bonding of sentient individuals
and how
karma effects it,
With Saul becoming Paul after wiping out so many Christians - I am an
idiot I
will never get it.

To answer your well written question that is easy - time and patience
and faith
in good individuals eventually triumphing over bad ones.  Democracy and
enterprise overcoming monopolies and communistic concepts.
(of course I agree with Christ's communal and Ho Chi Minh's concept of
in the abstract but man does not seem to be able to implement it)
No body ever compromised with Stalin, Mao or Hitler.(oh they thought
they did, if
it was not tragic it would be funny)  But they have all been overcome by
and good triumphing over evil.
ICANN will not survive Danny and if it does it will only be because we
them, and they allow majority one woman one vote elections for a board. 
When you
have an intelligent, good and fervent opposition to stupidity and greed
avarice, time is the only question.  And we are moving at lightening
speed.  Just
watch my heroes, Judith, Joanna, Vittorio and Richard and the rest, they
can cut
like a knife but they stand on fine ideals - the BoD compared to our
panel -
buddy that is not even a contest; that is a slaughterhouse.
I will bet you at Shanghai we will see some more of our good BoD members
public statements in favor of what I am saying.  (not that I have any
information ;-}
Don't give them an out to sit on the dock, make them fish or cut bait.
remain on your good Bodhisattva path

DannyYounger@cs.com wrote:

> Eric,
> Forgive me, but I don't understand exactly what it is you are saying when you
> write:  "An SO is a great idea if ICANN survives our full establishment, but
> we will not be the SO we will merely provide one."
> Perhaps you think that an unincorporated entity with no bylaws, no financing,
> no performance history, and no provisions for regional representation of its
> officers is a model that will capture the attention of Nancy Victory as a
> suitable contender to replace ICANN.  If so, I think you've dabbled in the
> joy juice a bit too much today.
> An SO is not a compromise.  It is a structure that will allow the At-Large to
> place directors on the Board.  But perhaps you can elaborate on a better
> alternative...
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