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[atlarge-discuss] About (Our) Correspondence...

   ...there is much to be said about letters and the craft used when they
were the main, the only, means of sharing one's thoughts.

   ...not even one day has gone by and our email traffic is already full -
and full of quotes quoting quoted correspondence.

   ...some haiku:

 Many words are said 
 Some even merit saying 
 Some said even bloom... 

 But one comment stands
 Truth is what you make of it
 Others may differ

 Flames taken not meant
 How to ignore what isn't
 Can snowflakes unmelt 

 There are times when it
 Doing nothing in itself
 Is the best action....

   ...today is always a new day - but about turning that new leaf, the
vote is still out.

 --- REgards, walts@dorsai.org Walter C. Schmidt, IT CPA  Blue(.) ---
 - -   - IDEA -    |                                           ^  --- 
 - -   Associate   |      Online since CompuServe's MicroNET      - -
 ---    Expert     |                                              ---
 - -  Expert Zone  |        http://www.dorsai.org/~walts/         ---
 - - 52 Ken http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/expertzone/ Sun 57 - -

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