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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Report to the ERC from the ALAC-AG (2/2)

Joop Teernstra wrote:
Judith Oppenheimer wrote:

> The problem with one man one vote is that the voice of the
> regions with the highest internet penetration may well
> drown all other voices, in a tyranny of the majority.

I am a minority in more ways than I care to share.
>> But I'll take my chances.  One [wo]man, one vote.

It is the only legitimate way.
> Everything else is prone to abuse.

It's not as simple as that. All systems are open to abuse.
The abuse that one [wo]man one vote can generate is the
persistent overruling (or oppression) of a minority interest.
That's why governments have constitutions and checks and

Even at the heart of the US government, there is a "regional"
provision that gives each state equal representation (still
using one person one vote). You can debate whether that's
a good system. But it's fairly democratic.

It is always the gerrymanderers, seeking special ways
> of tipping the balance, who cry "tyranny of the majority"
> instead of acknowledging the democracy of majority rule.

Please don't write me off as an enemy of the people
just yet :-)



 Paul the argumentative     ( notmyopinion@btinternet.com )
  "Opinions expressed in this email are not necessarily incorrect."

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